Future Farmers
Land Degradation Neutrality
Future Farmers is a private, non-denominational, nationwide non-profit organisation that works to promote Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN). LDN can be described as:
“A state whereby the amount and quality of land resources, necessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security, remains stable or increases within specified temporal and spatial scales and ecosystems” (UNCCD)
Future Farmers
Land Degradation Neutrality
Future Farmers is a private, non-denominational, nationwide non-profit organisation that works to promote Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN). LDN can be described as:
“A state whereby the amount and quality of land resources, necessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security, remains stable or increases within specified temporal and spatial scales and ecosystems” (UNCCD)

Food Insecurity
Food insecurity is a global risk with shortfalls in major crop groups predicted from 2025 onwards. As land is finite and fixed in quantity, there is ever-increasing competition to control limited land resources and capitalize on the flows of goods and services from the land. For example, For example, in Pakistan this has manifested in social instability which in turn has fuelled acute poverty.

Map of ecoregions in Afganistan. Source: NBSAP 2014 (Source: FAO 2021)

Population exposed to high drought frequency
(Source: FAO 2021)
Our Mission
Future Farmers is founded on the principle of ‘Abad’ meaning populous, thriving, prosperous. Our mission is to;
- Realize our vision for LDN through sustainable development in the Persianate world in areas such as Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Oman and Bahrain focusing where we can be most impactful and we are most needed particularly in areas suffering from crises and urgencies.
- Ensure food security in crisis regions such as Afghanistan through LDN using multiple approaches such as Soil Remediation, Carbon Sequestration, Sustainable Farming, Rainwater harvesting, Recharging the Aquifer, Biodynamic agriculture and Natural Refrigeration.
- Enable communities to ethically meet social food security challenges through biodynamic agriculture.
- Enable communities to produce and live according to ecological and ethical principles

Our Approaches
Soil Remediation & Carbon
- Carbon sequestered, or stored, is carbon not emitted into the atmosphere.
- Less carbon in the atmosphere will reduce the greenhouse gas effect and lessen the impacts of climate change.
Sustainable Farming
- Improve soil condition and carbon storage by adding organic matter.
- Protect watercourses from sediment and pesticides in run-off.
- Improve landscape character by softening large arable blocks and increasing landscape diversity.
- Reduce the impact of nutrients on water and air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Rainwater harvesting
- By using shallow impoundments to serve farmers and terracing on mountainsides to keep the water from flowing off.
Recharging the aquifer
- Using traditional irrigation systems to preserve water and reduce water wastage.
Natural Refrigeration
- By storing fruits in cold and mountainous areas with solar augmentation products to be kept cool cost effectively.
- Future Farmers plans to work with organisations such as FairTrade International to improve trading conditions for local farmers.
- There is an urgent need for a more sustainable and ecological approach to agricultural inputs leading to implementing sustainable practices evolving to food sovereignty.
Education & Human Rights
- In Future Farmers, we consider literacy as a basic human right. Future Farmers will begin initiatives providing support for early years and primary education in rural communities as well as adherence to human rights through all our activities.
Good Corporate Governance
- Good Corporate Governance is not just about upholding our company values but starts with ensuring that everyone involved in our business is of good character.

We would like to invite you to support Future Farmers by donating to one of our current fundraising campaigns. Donations can be made directly at:
Future Farmers Ltd
Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30 91 91
Account Number: 54907660
Alternatively, kindly complete the contact form below and we will contact you.
Contact information
- Future Farmers Ltd. Limited by Guarantee Incorporated in England and Wales Company No 13833942 Registered Address: 23 Ennismore Gardens, London SW11AB, United Kingdom.
- info@future-farmers.org